Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Top 10 Reasons Why the Bible is Repulsive

This video should probably have been added to the first post in this Blog. I think it speaks for itself.
These are teh reasonsI could never even considder being a Christian. Many Christians I talk to say things like, "Well, that is in the Old Testament.", when asked about these verses, and some say that they are outdated. Well, I do things rigth, which means 100% to the best of my ability. So, being a Christian to me would HAVE to include these things as well, because they are in the Christian Bible for Christ sake! Picking and choosing which parts of the Bible I would want to follow wouldn't be Christianity, it would be Ericanity. And,if I were to creat Ericanity it would not in any way, shape, or form include the promoting of stoning of children to death for backtalking their parents! Yet this order from God, the order to kill children for disrespecting their parents, is in every bible in every Christion based church in the world, and that IS REPULSIVE.
If you didn't know this, you should read your Bible, it is the quickest and most convenient way to see that The Bible is a Fairy Tale.

Saturday, January 8, 2011 - Penn & Teller : Bullshit! The Bible (Full Episode) - Penn & Teller : Bullshit! The Bible (Full Episode)

I know I saw this video years ago, and I'm sure that it subconsciously played a role in titling this blog so I figured I owed it to Penn and Teller to post this here. This is a good way to look at some of the bullshit in the bible with a chuckle. I hope you enjoy.

Two of my favorite one liners from this video are:

Smart people are very good at rationalizing things they came to believe from non smart reasons.
Dr. Michael Shermer

...we need more Atheists, and there's nothing will get you there faster than reading he damn Bible
Penn Jillette


Here we have a very good basic insight to critical thinking, open, and close-mindedness.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Genesis 2

Genesis 2:

2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made
** I am really surprised that God needed to rest. If he needed a rest, then there is a physical limitation limitation to how long he can work. I find this more comical than anything, after all, this IS God we are talking about.

And God Said:
2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
** However, Adam ate from the tree of knowledge and yet he didn't die. In fact he lived for another 930 years or so. I f I can geat from that tree and 930 years, then sign me up! ounds like more of a reward than a punishment, however we have to keep in mind that in The Bible people seem to live longer than we have ever seen (Which is initself a totally different blog post).

2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
**So, Adam named ALL of the living creatures on Earth. Amazing! and, Impossible! Current estimates of the total number of species on Earth range from 5 to 30 million, of which, the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment notes approximately 2 million have been formally described.
But animals were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new species of insects are discovered and named each year!

Genesis (2:4-25) "These are the generations"**The second creation account. Compare with Genesis 1:1-2:3 in which the order of events is entirely different.

 Had this book been written by the hand of man, guided by an all knowing God; we wiouldn't see these mistakes in Genesis. It would be a perfect account backed fully by science and reason.

Monday, January 3, 2011

See the magic

See the magic

When you look at different religions, they usually contain "magic." For example:

The Mormon religion contains the magical golden plates, the magical angel, the magical seer stones, the magical ascension of the plates into heaven, etc.

The Muslim faith contains the magical angel, the magical flying horse, the magical voices, the magical prophet, etc.

The Christian faith contains the magical insemination, the magical star, the magical dreams, the magical miracles, the magical resurrection, the magical ascension and so on.

The presence of "magic" is a clear marker for "imaginary." For example, how do we know that Santa is imaginary? Because (among other things) he has eight magical flying reindeer. How do we know that Jack and the Beanstalk is a fairy tale? Because (among other things) the story contains magical seeds. In the same way, how do we know that God is make believe? Because God is surrounded by magic.

Full  Article at

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Proof that A) prayer is as fake as 'God' OR B) You don't truly believe either

This simple test of prayer will prove one of the following:
A) Prayer is fake and has absolutely no effect on anything  physical, OR
B) That you, the reader of this post, do not truly believe.

Before we get to the test, let me me show why this will be evidence, according to the Bible.
Mark 11:24 says: "Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it and it will be yours."
Now, before doing the test, be sure that you believe as much as you possibly can. the usual Xian excuse of 'I wasn't worthy.' will be no excuse. Your perfect god said if you believe it ill happen, his words not mine.

Here is the simple test. You will need a penny, a pen or pencil, and a piece of paper. on the paper make 2 columns, name one heads and one tails. Each column should have 50 rows, to mark each flip of the coin.
Next, here is where your faith comes in, pray to God that the coin always land on heads. Now, flip the coin repeatedly, in attempt to reach 100 flips, all landing on heads. You will see that by the tenth flip, the coin has landed on tails several times. If not, continue. I, as a mere mortal human, already know for a fact that you will not reach 100 flips, all landing on heads.
Also, just for giggles, and to avoid any controversy, if you are uneducated enough to think you will get to 100, i beg of you to record your test, so you can prove your miraculous results to the world. Recording this would provide a great amount of evidence to freethinkers, Athiests, Agnostics, and many other non believers to prove your God. YOU could be the one to PROVE GOD EXISTS! Or, and this is much more likely, you may actually see the evidence that God is as fake as Santa Clause,The Easter Bunny, Ra, and an endless list of made up characters.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

People ignore reality in order to 'believe' in god

  Wow! This amazed me when I saw this video. This is Christian Fundamentalism at it's best.  If this is not brainwashing I don't know what is! 
   First, I want to point out that the pictures of the 'Grandparents'. These people are trying to make these kids think that a belief in evolution would actually support that picture as being representative of scientific evolution. Grandparents!?! Really? If this is not brainwashing, then what is?
  I have to ask: Do YOU believe in this?
  I also have to point out the woman's comments at around 1:20 of the video, she says she believes this: because it's easier to believe this. Holy shit!! That is plainly stating she accepts ignorance over proven fact, simply because it is easier for her to understand! Religion breeds ignorance. Religion teaches ignorance. Religion preaches ignorance. If you don't believe me, you must believe the things in this video. If you believe the things in this video; that just makes you uneducated.